A first time UNICEF India launching certificate course just about all areas of Public Health Journalism and Communication. UNICEF India offering course for journalists and students
UNICEF India launches course in public health for journalists
UNICEF India in collaboration with the University of Oxford and Thomson Reuters Footing as well as the George Institute for Global Health, the course will be provided by the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC).
What UNICEF Indian adviser mentioned
As Louis-Georges Arsenault, UNICEF India representative said ,”Media is a key and ideal spouse for UNICEF and this initiative aims to enhance knowledge and skills of media students and journalists on all aspects related to Public Health reporting. We hope it will result in even more informed protection of health concerns.”
Currently Critical Appraisal Skills (CASP) course being offered in UK to public health professionals.
How One Can go for this course
“Unicef india offer training for reporter and pupils, both writers and also govt officers ,to suit their profession of critical appraisal in the nation’s wellbeing context,,” Dr Premila Webster Training Process Director at the Oxford School of Public Health said.
IIMC structured the particular CASP training to fit their pupils regarding journalism. The training is a preliminary intended for IIMC and will also be offered to government media officials in 2016.